Tiktok ban threat—what gen z, millennials, gen x and boomers really think of the app

Majority of people support U.S. bill against TikTok, except for the youth, and other findings from new polls. 

TikTok support is strong among Gen Z, the app’s core constituency, as it battles for its existence in the U.S., and a new poll shows just how committed 18-to-27-year-olds are to the platform. In fact, 64% of adult-age Gen Zers are on TikTok daily, whereas just 33% of millennials, 24% of Gen Xers and 5% of baby boomers use TikTok daily, according to a new Ad Age-Harris Poll that delved into the social media habits across generations.

Fuente de nota e imagen: https://adage.com/article/digital-marketing-ad-tech-news/tiktok-ban-threat-what-gen-z-millennials-gen-x-and-boomers-really-think-app/2549806